
vCoffee Links #12 – PEX, PowerCLI, EVALExperience, and more…

VMware PEX 2015 is just around the corner (less than 2 weeks away). Looks like it is going to be a great show. Travel reservations are all made and my schedule is pretty much full. Looking forward to some VMware NSX and VMware Horizon goodness.

I am flying into SFO midday on Saturday, January 31. If you are going to be at PEX 2015 and would like to meet up for real life coffee hit me up @herseyc.

Still hoping to sit the VCP-DT exam at PEX but I have not had really had the time to do much studying. Have a View environment set up in the lab and I hope I can work in some serious study time between now and then.

A quick shout out to the folks preparing to defend for VCDX at PEX – Good Luck! Couple of quick tips… Know your design, have confidence in your design decisions, relax, and have fun!

Now on to the links…

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

This will definitely come in handy, PowerCLI Module to Check CPU, Memory and Storage OverCommitment by @vTagion. This PowerCLI Module includes three functions: Get-CPUOvercommit, Get-MemoryOvercommit, and Get-StorageOvercommit each provide a quick way to gather information on how resources have been over-committed in a vSphere environment.


Some big news from VMUG this past week. VMUG Advantage Subscriptions now include EVALExperience by VMware. EVALExperience provides VMUG Advantage members access to 365 day licenses for many VMware products (but not NSX???) for lab/eval. Nice value add for the VMUG Advantage program.

Nice write up by @eric_shanks on VMware SRM 5.5 to 5.8 Upgrade. Good step by step article.

Another great SRM read VMware SRM Topologies from @BenMeadowcroft. Great post explaining the different SRM protection and deployment topologies. Worth a read.

DRS is just a load balancing solution… by @DuncanYB explains why vSphere DRS is not, or should not considered, just a load balancing mechanism.

Looking at Git? Check out the tutorials and walk-throughs at @scott_lowe also did a great post A Non-Programmer’s Introduction to Git.

Looking for information on how to get started with VMware Certifications. Where to get started with VMware Certification from @uber_tech_geek provides some excellent guidance.

Thanks to @MarcHuppert for pointing out the VCP-NV Exam Preparation e-Learning a 4 hour e-Learning workshop for the VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (VCP-NV) from VMware.

Working with Snapshots using VMware vSphere PowerCLI. Nice review of the PowerCLI cmdlets for managing virtual machine snapshots.

Have not had a chance to spin it up in the lab yet, but this looks to be pretty awesome. Free to use EMC RecoverPoint for VMs! Plus, it’s FREE!

Citrix XenServer 6.5 has been released and here are the release notes. The XenServer 6.5 installation (including upgrade procedures) guide is here.

Videos from Virtualization Field Day 4 from January 14-16, 2015. The #VFD4 hash tag was a lot of fun following during the event (the memes were hilarious). One of the reasons I have not been studying for the VCP-DT like I should.

That is it for now. Enjoy your coffee!!!

Have anything interesting to add? Post a comment below or hit me up on twitter @herseyc.

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