
vCoffee Links #14 – Catching Up

It has been a good while since my last vCoffee links post. There has been a lot going on and I have been pretty busy. Took the VCP6 Delta Beta Exam a week or so ago and I have been working on a VCP6 Study Guide. Still working through the sections, more VCP6 Objectives will be posted this weekend. There are a couple of VCP6 Beta Exam experiences in the links so be sure to check them out.

Other than that, just a lot going on. I want to take a few minutes to thank the folks that have sponsored vHersey.com. Be sure to check them out. The sponsors are available at the top of every page and post. If you are interested in sponsoring vHersey.com there are spaces available, just sign up here.

I will be presenting a vBrownBag on VCP6 Section 3 (Storage) on May 20th. Been a while since I have presented a vBrownBag. Looking forward to it.

Enough from me, now on to the links.

vCoffee Links is a regular feature on vHersey.com. vCoffee Links features news and links of interest from the past week or so. If you have something interesting to add please submit it in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @herseyc.

A new round of VCDX candidates are preparing for their defenses. If this is you be sure to check out these great resources to help you prepare. VCDX Study Plan – No Excuses! by @rayheffer, What the VCDX Scenarios are Looking For from @ccolotti, and VCDX – Great Logical Design by @vcdx133. Some really great stuff. Good luck to everyone defending.

One of the new features of vSphere 6 is the Content Library. @lamw has published his Nested ESXi templates and you can Subscribe to vGhetto Nested ESXi Template Content Library in vSphere 6.0.

Great Don’t Say “Customer” post from @millardjk

Couple of good write ups on the VCP6 Beta Exam – VMware Certified Professional 6 Datacenter (VCP6-DCV) Delta Beta Exam Experience and VCP6-DCV Delta Exam (Beta) Thoughts.

I just completed a View 5.3 to Horizon 6.1 upgrade for a client. The View Upgrades Documentation was extremely helpful. This post on VMware View Agent Fails to Install because Service Stop Times Out or VMware View Composer Guest Agent Service Fails to Stop was also useful.

Speaking of Horizon View. This post Horizon View 6 PCoIP – WAN, Limited Bandwidth, Optimise, Tune has some great info.

EMC World 2015 is currently underway and there have been some interesting announcements and releases. Check out the vVNX Download and EMC Day 3: ScaleIO – Unleashed for the world!. Of course @sakacc has been posting some nice insights from EMC World on his blog.

Interested in VVOLs? Check out vSphere Virtual Volumes Getting Started Guide – New White Paper

Very nice vSphere ESXTOP Quick Overview for Troubleshooting Poster updated for vSphere 6. Fantastic resource!!!

Want to waste some time and have a few laughs? Check out this Hilarious Amazon Reviews Wish List from @Josh_Atwell. Thanks for killing my productivity Josh.

Check out the What’s New in vSphere 6 Security vBrownBag with @mikefoley. Good stuff.

VMWorld Registration is open! Hope to see you in August.

vExperts Check out the I was named a vExpert and I got this awesome shirt! Great vExpert Gift from @Tintri. Thanks for supporting the community with this awesome gift.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the day. Tomorrow’s FRIDAY! Think I’ll celebrate with another cup of coffee.

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