
The 2nd Must Have PowerCLI Reference

Of course the first must have PowerCLI reference was the first edition of the VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference book which has had a spot on my desk for the last couple years and I refer to it often. I recently picked up the 2nd Edition of the book and it has now taken the 1st Edition’s spot on the desk to become my go to PowerCLI reference.

VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference is organized, well written, with tons of useful examples. If you are new to PowerCLI or if you just need a fantastic reference to help out now and again this is it!

I refer to the book often when I get stuck trying work through a PowerCLI script or when I need an idea on how or what can be done to automate a task using PowerCLI. If you are interested in using PowerCLI to automate common vSphere tasks this book is worth its weight in gold (it is a pretty hefty book, so that is a LOT).

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