
vBrownBag Tech Talks at VMworld 2015

VMworld 2015 is just a few days away! The vBrownBag Tech Talks schedule for VMworld 2015 was released a couple weeks ago and can be found here http://professionalvmware.com/2015/08/vbrownbag-techtalks-schedule-vmworld-usa-2015/. As in the previous year the Tech Talks are being held in the Hang Space and there is a lot of great stuff on the schedule.

I will be giving 2 vBrownBag Tech talks this year.

Using PowerCLI to manage SSH on ESXi on Monday at 5:00 PM


Managing vCenter Roles and Permissions with PowerCLI on Tuesday at 5:00 PM

If you are not able to make VMworld the Tech Talks will be streamed live here: http://professionalvmware.com/brownbags/vbrownbags-live/

Hope to see you there!

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