
Can’t Attend VMworld? Watch Keynotes LIVE!

VMworld kicks off in just over a week and I am more than just a little bummed that I am not going to be able to attend. Sounds like there is going to be a lot of great stuff going on. If, like me, you are unable to attend there are a lot of great ways to be part of the action. Hate to be missing out on the parties and hanging out with some great people but I am looking forward to the blogs and tweets from the folks there.

The VMware NOW Online Event is one way to hear the latest announcements from the VMworld Keynotes and to be able to participate in some of the new product demos. The VMwold NOW Online Event is LIVE on August 27 and you need to register for it here: http://bit.ly/VMwareNOW.

Another great resource for those of us that wish we could be there is the VMworld Social Media and Community Guide. The guide has the #hashtags to watch for, links to videos and live media streams, twitter feeds to follow, event blogs, and more.

Of course the vBrownBag folks will also be there streaming live and the schedule can be found here.

Yeah not quite as cool as attending in person but I am still looking forward to the post, online events, videos, and tweets from VMworld 2012.

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